12 All tests in at least one test suite must be run before\nthe PassMark Rating can be displayed.
13 Run the tests first..
14 Disk Graph
15 The disk write test must be run completely\nbefore the graph can be displayed.
16 The disk read test must be run completely\nbefore the graph can be displayed.
17 Baselines
18 Baseline
20 Could not start your default internet browser.\nStart your browser manually and use the address..\nhttp://www.passmark.com/baselines
21 Could not start your default internet browser.\nStart your browser manually and use the address..\nhttp://www.passmark.com
22 Could not start your default internet browser.\nStart your browser manually and use the address..\nhttp://www.passmark.com/sales
23 This CPU does not support this feature.
24 (N/A)
25 Status
26 The file\n %s\nis already installed.
27 Error: The file\n %s\ncould not be copied and\ncan not be installed.
28 Information
29 Error
30 Evaluation Version
31 Low on memory! Test can not be completed.
33 Could not start the Windows help system.
34 Printing...
35 PassMark %s %s results %s
36 Page %d of %d
37 PerformanceTest Error
38 Read
39 Write
40 Byte
41 Word
42 Dword
43 Test Starting
44 Error reading from the selected CD Drive. Please ensure a CD ROM is present in the drive and try again...
58 The disk test must be run completely\nbefore the graph can be displayed.
80 http://www.passmark.com/baselines
81 http://www.passmark.com
82 http://www.passmark.com/sales
83 Could not start your default internet browser.\nStart your browser manually and use the address..\nhttp://www.passmark.com/sales
84 No default browser
85 Clipboard can not be opened.
86 There is no valid text in the clipboard to paste.
87 The text in the clipboard is too long to be either\na user name or a key. Make sure that you select\nonly the key or your user name before doing a copy\nto the clipboard.
88 Paste error
89 PerformanceTest cannot be run in Safe Mode.
90 Time (sec.)
91 Data Send Kbits/Sec.
92 PerformanceTest - Warning
93 Hyperthreading
94 Not capable
95 Enabled
96 Disabled
97 Supported but not enabled
98 Unable to detect
100 MBytes/Sec.
101 Ops./Sec.
102 Frames/Sec.
103 KOps./Sec.
104 MOps./Sec.
105 Seeks/Sec.
106 Composite average
107 Million Add's/Sec.
108 Million Sub's/Sec.
109 Million Mult's/Sec.
110 Million Div's/Sec.
111 Thousand Lines/Sec.
112 Thousand Images/Sec.
113 Thousand Shapes/Sec.
114 MegaFLOPS
115 Not defined
116 MBytes transferred per second
117 Operations per second
118 Frames per second
119 Thousands of operations per second
120 Millions of operations per second
121 Seeks per second
122 Composite average of other results
123 Millions of additions per second
124 Millions of subtractions per second
125 Millions of multiplications per second
126 Millions of divisions per second
127 Thousands of lines drawn per second
128 Thousands of images drawn per second
129 Thousands of shapes drawn per second
130 Millions of floating point instructions per second
131 D
132 D1
133 D8
134 Marker Maths
135 Math - Addition
136 Math - Subtraction
137 Math - Multiplication
138 Math - Division
139 Math - Floating Point Addition
140 Math - Floating Point Subtraction
141 Math - Floating Point Multiplication
142 Math - Floating Point Division
143 Math - Maximum MegaFLOPS
144 Marker Graphics
145 Graphics 2D - Lines
146 Graphics 2D - Rectangles
147 Graphics 2D - Shapes
148 Marker G3D
149 Graphics 3D - Many Worlds
150 Graphics 3D - Simple
151 Graphics 3D - Medium
152 Graphics 3D - Complex
153 TBD
154 Marker Memory
155 Memory - Allocate Small Block
156 Memory - Read Cached
157 Memory - Read Uncached
158 Memory - Write
159 Marker Disk
160 Disk - Sequential Read
161 Disk - Sequential Write
162 Disk - Random Seek + RW
163 Marker Seek
164 Disk - Seek
165 Marker CDROM
166 CD - Read
167 Seek
168 Marker Sound
169 Efficiency
170 Voices
171 Marker MMX
172 MMX - Addition
173 MMX - Subtraction
174 MMX - Multiplication
175 MMX - SSE/3DNow!
176 Marker FE1
177 Marker FE2
178 Marker Summ
179 Math Mark
180 2D Graphics Mark
181 Memory Mark
182 Disk Mark
183 CD Mark
184 Sound Mark
185 3D Graphics Mark
186 MMX Mark
187 FE1
188 FE2
189 FE3
190 PassMark Rating
191 Marker End
192 The Drive you have selected %s appears to be invalid.\nTry picking another Drive letter.
193 The test duration must be between 2 and 60.\nPlease enter a valid number of seconds.
200 5
201 10
202 20
203 30
204 40
205 *.*
206 *.htm;*.html
207 2K
208 4K
209 8K
210 16K
211 32K
212 64
213 10
214 30
215 60
216 300
217 1800
218 3600
219 Html files
220 htm
221 .gif
222 CDReadStats.txt
223 MilliSecs. Bytes Megs/Sec. Average Files\n
224 MemAccessStats.txt
225 MilliSecs. Step Size\n
226 NetSpeedStats.txt
227 MilliSecs. Bytes Sent Bytes Recv. Packets Sent Packets Recv.\n
228 Testing CD ROM Drive:
229 All disk data scanned.
230 Test Stopped
232 CdReport.htm
233 CD ROM Drive Speed Report
234 CdGraph.gif
235 CD Drive Speed
236 CD Drive Speed Test Report
237 Millisecs.
238 Bytes
239 Average MB/Sec.
240 Files
241 MemReport.htm
242 Memory Access Speed Report
243 Stepped Memory Access Speed Report
244 Block Memory Access Speed Report
245 MemGraph.gif
246 Memory Access Speed
247 Step Size
248 Block Size
249 MB Per Second
250 NetReport.htm
251 Network Speed Report
252 Network Receive Speed Report
253 Network Send Speed Report
254 NetGraph.gif
255 Network Speed
256 Network Speed Test Report
257 Bytes Recv.
258 Packets Recv.
259 Bytes Sent
260 Packets Sent
262 An unknown error has occurred during the test. Please contact us at www.passmark.com
263 A file i/o error has caused the test to abort. Please check a valid CD ROM is present in the drive and try again.
264 I/O Error
265 The test duration cannot be less than 10 seconds. Please select a higher value.
266 The test duration cannot be greater than 4000 seconds. Please select a lower value.
267 Error reading files from directory.
268 Error opening file.
269 Error writing to file.
270 The full string was not written to file.
271 The default browser could not be launched.\nPlease open the report file manually by doubleclicking on it from Windows Explorer.
272 Raw disk access is only available on Windows 2000, XP and .NET server.
273 The free physical memory is too low to run the Advanced Memory test.
274 Error allocating system resources.
275 The test duration must be between 10 and 200 seconds.
276 The start block size must be between 20 and 16384 bytes.
277 The end block size must be between 20 and 16384 bytes.
278 The network test must be run for at least 10 seconds before valid results become available.
279 The number of objects must be between 5 and 40.
280 The number of textures must be at least 1, and not more than the number of objects selected.
281 Disk Speed Graph
282 CD Speed Graph
283 Memory Speed Graph
284 Network Speed Graph
285 Disk speed (Reading in MB/Sec.)
286 Disk speed (Writing in MB/Sec.)
287 CD speed (Reading in MB/Sec.)
288 Memory speed (MB/Sec. per Step Size)
289 Memory speed (MB/Sec. per Block Size)
290 Block Read Speed
291 Block Write Speed
292 Average Data Rec.
293 Packets Received
294 Average Packets Received
295 Data Sent
296 Average Data Sent
297 Packets Sent
298 Average Packets Sent
299 Network Data Received (KBits/Sec.)
300 Network Data Sent (KBits/Sec.)
301 Waiting for Remote Connection
302 Connection Accepted
303 All Data Received
304 Receiving Data
305 Attempting to connect...
306 Connect Failed.\nCheck that the remote machine is running the Network test\n(as the server) and is accessible.
307 Connected
308 Sending Data
309 Wait for connection stopped
310 Failed to accept connection
311 Instantaneous speed
312 Average speed
313 CD Graph
314 PassMark Info
315 The Test must be run at least once before the graph can be displayed.
316 The Test must be run at least once before a report can be created.
317 Testing CD ROM Drive: %d%% Complete
318 Test Complete
319 %0.2f MB/Sec. = (%dx CD)
320 Step %d of %d: Step size %ld bytes
321 Step %d of %d: Data Size %ld Bits
322 MilliSecs.
323 Data Received
324 Disk Drive Read Speed Report
325 Disk Drive Write Speed Report
326 Disk Read Speed
327 Disk Write Speed
328 The selected drive is incompatible with selected test method. Please choose a different drive.
329 Cannot find any files. Please ensure a CD ROM is in the drive and try again.
330 Failed to get the drive geometry. Please ensure a CD ROM is in the drive and try again.
331 No CD ROM detected in the selected drive (%s). Please insert a CD and try again.
332 ( No CD drives found )
333 No CD drives have been found on your system. Unable to run the CD Read test at this time.
334 The Number of Textures field must be a numeric value.
335 The Test Duration field must be a numeric value.
336 The File Size field must be a numeric value.
337 The Test Duration field must be a numeric value.
338 The Port field must be a numeric value in the range 0 to 65535.
339 The Block Start Size field must be a numeric value.
340 The Block End Size field must be a numeric value.
341 Average Disk speed ( MB/Sec.)
342 Disk Drive Speed Report
343 Multiple Disk Drive Speed Report
344 Disk Speed(s)
345 Instantaneous Disk speed ( MB/Sec.)
346 Waiting for data
347 %0.2f MB/Sec. = (%dx DVD)
348 Benchmark Results
400 %i Days left in evaluation
401 Serial # -> Evaluation
403 Licensed copy
404 Serial # %s
405 english
500 Only 20 Baselines can be displayed at a time.\nThe first 20 in the display list will be used.
510 One or more of the installed Baseline files\nare licensed. This means that they can not be\nused with the Shareware version of the software.\nYou must register the software in order to be\nable to use these Baselines\nCheck out our Web page, http://www.passmark.com\nor the online help for details on how to order.
511 Get the benefits of registering
512 New
513 Error writing to GIF output file
514 lots
515 Enter your notes here
516 %u Bytes
517 Your comctl32.dll library is out of date.\nThe version of Windows that you are using is old and\nneeds to be updated before all the functionality of\nPerformanceTest can be used. Install Internet Explorer 5.0 or\nlater to update the comctl32.dll library and fix this problem.
518 Warning: Old version of Windows comctl32.dll file
519 A test duration hours value must be between 1 and 24.
600 Registration information\n\nDuring the evaluation period you do not need to enter a user name\nor a key. You can just click on 'Continue' to try out the software.\n\nThe User Name / Key combination that you have entered is not valid.\nCheck for the following problems.\n- Extra space characters before, after or in the middle of the user name\n- The user name exactly matches the User in the registration E-Mail\n Remember that upper and lower case are taken into account\n- Does your key correspond to this product and version\n- You tried and type the key in and make a typing mistake.\n Copy (CTRL-C) and Paste (CTRL-V) the key and user name in order\nto avoid typing mistakes\n\nIf you still have a problem you can find instructions on our web site\n http://www.passmark.com/support\nOr you can mail us at support@passmark.com
700 Running [%s]
701 Your have chosen to save a baseline without any test results for this machine.\nYour system information will still be saved in the baseline file.
800 The PassMark Rating for this computer is %0.1f
801 PassMark Rating (%s %s)
802 Error: You do not have Internet Explorer 5.0 or later installed.\nPerformanceTest requires the 'shlwapi.dll' library from Internet Explorer 5.0+\n\nPlease install Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and try again.
803 Internet Explorer 5.0 or later not installed
900 Could not load the Baseline result file %s\nCheck the file exists & read permission is set.
901 Read error, reading file %s\nThe file may be corrupted or you may have selected\nthe wrong file.
902 Error: The file %s is not a valid Baseline file.\nThe file may be corrupted or you may have selected the wrong file.
903 Warning: This Baseline file was created with version 1.0x of\nthe PerformanceTest program. Some test results may be missing\nDo you wish to load it anyway?
904 Convert result file?
905 Warning: This Baseline file was created with version 2.0x of\nthe PerformanceTest program. Some Baseline information will not be\navailable. Do you wish to load and install it anyway?
906 Warning: This Baseline file was created with a previous version of\nPerformanceTest. Some Baseline information will not be available.\n\nConverting this baseline file will result in some benchmarks being\nautomatically scaled. Do you wish to load and install it anyway?
907 Error, The Baseline file %s\nSeems to be corrupted and can not be loaded.
908 Error: The Baseline file %s\nHas been created with what seems to be a newer version\nof the PerformanceTest program. The file can not be opened\nwith this version of PerformanceTest. To get the latest\nversion of PerformanceTest you will need to visit the\nPassMark web site. www.passmark.com
909 Could not open the Baseline result file %s\nCheck the directory exists & write permission is set.
910 Error: There has been a problem writing to the\nBaseline result file %s\nCheck the disk is not full and Write permission is set.
911 Open file
912 Error: The baseline file '%s'\nwas created with a customised version of PerformanceTest.\n\nThis file can not be opened with this version of PerformanceTest.
913 Select file
914 Pentium III Class
915 Unknown Intel
916 Could not open PerformanceTest preferences file\n%s
917 Intel compatible
918 Unknown New Intel
919 Unknown K6
920 Unknown New Athlon
921 Unknown New AMD
922 386 Class
923 Unknown Cyrix 6x86
924 6x86MX or MII
925 Unknown New MII?
926 Unknown New Cyrix
927 Unknown Cyrix
1000 Error opening registry key HKEY_DYN_DATA
1001 Error listing items in registry key HKEY_DYN_DATA
1002 Error opening sub key in registry HKEY_DYN_DATA
1003 Error getting 'HardWareKey' value from registry
1125 Could not open the text output file\n%s\nCheck the directory exists, write permission is set and the file is not locked or already open.
1126 Computer
1127 Could not open the CSS stylesheet file\n%s\nResults will be generated without any formatting.
1128 Results generated on:
1200 Running the cached disk read test..
1201 Running the cached disk write test..
1202 Running the random access, seek, read, write test..
1203 Test could not be run, Low on memory.
1204 There is not enough free disk space on drive %c to run the disk test.\n%0.2fGB is required, %0.2fGB is available.
1205 Error while reading from test file.
1206 %s %d%% Complete
1207 Error while writing to test file.
1208 Seek within the file failed.
1209 Read block failed.
1210 Write block failed.
1211 Error: Could not open temporary file for use with the test\nThis test can not be run.
1212 Bytes Read
1213 Bytes Written
1214 %s Time(ms.) MB\Sec. average MB\Sec. Sample\n
1215 PerformanceTest temp file, this file should have been automatically deleted..
1216 Creating the test file..
1217 Maximum MegaFLOP test running
1218 Running the uncached disk read test..
1219 Running the uncached disk write test..
1220 Running 2D graphics test...
1221 2D Graphics - Lines
1222 2D Graphics - Rectangles
1223 2D Graphics - Unfilled shapes
1224 Running Math Test...
1225 Running memory allocation test...
1226 Running MMX Tests...
1227 MMX tests can not be run as your CPU doesn't\nprovide support for MMX instructions.
1228 Running the CD Read test...
1229 Opening test file...
1230 Writing test file...
1231 Reading test file...
1232 Random Seek and Read/Write on test file...
1233 Waiting...
1234 Success
1235 User Stopped.
1236 Error creating the test file on the drive selected.\nCheck that the drive is not read only.
1237 Error Opening File.
1238 Error Writing File.
1239 Error Reading File.
1240 Error Seeking from TestFile.
1241 File size is out of bounds.
1242 Block size is out of bounds.
1243 Not enough disk space to create test file.
1244 Error Closing File.
1245 Writing test file... %d%% Complete.
1246 Reading test file... %d%% Complete.
1247 Random Seek... %d%% Complete.
1248 Access Denied.\nPlease note that you must be logged in with \nAdministrator privileges to run the raw read test.
1249 There is not enough free disk space on drive %c\nto run the disk test\n%0.2fGB is required, %0.2fMB is available.
1250 \nTime(ms.) CPU Load
1251 BytesThread
1252 Only the results of 10 tests can be displayed in the graph - the first 10 tests will be taken.
1253 CPU Load
1254 Bytes Processed - Thread %d
1255 Thread %d
1256 Drive Letter
1257 2D Graphics - GUI
1258 Graphics 2D - GUI
1300 Invalid Button Index
1301 Save results as a new Baseline
1302 Print the results
1303 Clear the window
1304 Select the Baseline results to be displayed
1305 Display information about this computer and the Baselines
1306 Run CPU test suite
1307 Run 2D graphics test suite
1308 Run 3D graphics test suite
1309 Run memory test suite
1310 Run disk test suite
1311 Run Multimedia extension tests, Intel MMX (tm)
1312 Run all the tests sequentially
1313 Help
1314 Purchase this software online via secure transaction on the Internet
1315 Run CD standard test
1400 Could not load the Performance Data Helper library (PDH.DLL).
1401 PDH function call error.
1402 Registry operation error.
1500 Click on Continue for your 30day evaluation (%i Days left)
2000 Error during startup.\nCheck write permission is available in the executable directory,\nCheck the key.dat file exists in the executable directory.\nTry to uninstall & reinstall the software, if problems persist\nContact: www.passmark.com for support.
2001 The evaluation time has expired.\nYou must now purchase the product,\nif you wish to continue to use it.\nContact: www.passmark.com for information\non how to purchase the product.
2002 Sorry
2003 \key.dat
2005 Sorry.\nYou have attempted to load a Licensed Baseline file\nusing the Shareware version of the software.\nYou will need to purchase the software before\nusing this Baseline.
2006 The date and time on this machine is earlier than when\nthe program was previously run. In order to enforce the\nunregistered version's evaluation period, this is not allowed.
2007 Date / Time Error
2008 Unregistered User
2009 [Unknown type]
2010 [Ramdisk]
2011 [CD/DVD]
2012 [Networked]
2013 [Local Drive]
2014 [Removable]
2015 [Floppy]
2016 The file name selected doesn't have the correct .html file name extension\n%s\nPlease select a different file.
2017 The file size must be at least 1 Megabyte
2018 The file block size entered is not valid.
2019 Complete Result
2020 Partial result
2021 This is a COMPLETE result with ALL tests executed.
2022 This is a PARTIAL result because some tests were not executed.
4000 The file\n%s\nalready exists. Do you wish to replace the existing file?
5000 Time (Milliseconds)
5001 MegaBytes Read from disk
5002 MegaBytes written to disk
5003 Step Size
5004 Block Size
5005 Arial
5006 Disk: %s
5007 Ave. speed: %3.2f MB/Sec.
5008 Disk Size: %3.1f GBytes
5009 Free space: %3.1f GBytes
5010 Cluster Size: %d KBytes
5011 File System: %s
5012 %dx%s
5013 CPU: %s
5014 %s %s (www.passmark.com)
5015 Files Read: %d
5016 Drive Speed: %dX
5017 Available Memory: %ld
5018 Array Size: %ld
5019 Packets Recv.: %I64d
5020 KBits Recv.: %ld
5021 Ave. KBits/Sec.: %.1f
5022 Packets Sent: %I64d
5023 KBits Sent: %ld
5024 Error creating Device Context.
5025 Error allocating memory bitmap system resource.
5026 PerformanceTest Graph
5027 Problem setting Isotropic Map mode
5028 Problem setting page extents
5029 Problem setting viewport extents
5030 Problem setting viewport origin
5031 There was a problem while scaling the image for the printer\n%s\nError Number: %d
5032 Thread %d - Disk: %s
5033 MegaBytes transferred
5034 Disk Size: %3.1f MB.
5035 Free Space: %3.1f MB.
5036 %0.1f MB.
5037 %0.1f GB.
5038 Corrupt packets found = %d
6000 Failed during WSAStartup
7000 Win32 API - Uncached
7001 Win32API - Cached
7002 C/C++ Library - Cached
7003 Raw Disk Access
7004 Test Type: %s
7005 Block Size: %d
7006 Test Duration: %d Secs.
7007 Speed by Step Size
7008 Speed by Block Size
7009 Min. Block Size: %d Bytes
7010 Max. Block Size: %d Bytes
7011 Data Access Size: %d Bits
7012 Block Start Size: %d Bytes
7013 Block End Size: %d Bytes
7014 Block Step Size: %0.1f Bytes
7015 Speed v Time
7016 Speed v MB
7017 Ave Speed v Time
7018 Ave Speed v MB
7019 Drive %c: %0.1f MB/Sec.
11000 D3D8 Application
11001 DirectX 8.0 or above is required to run the 3D tests.\nPlease install DirectX 8.0 or higher and try again.\nDirectX can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com
11002 D3D Window
11003 Hardware Accelerated
11004 Software Emulation
11005 REF
11006 HAL
11007 SW
11008 (pure hw vp)
11009 (simulated pure hw vp)
11010 (hw vp)
11011 (simulated hw vp)
11012 (mixed vp)
11013 (simulated mixed vp)
11014 (sw vp)
11015 None
11016 %d samples
11017 Time (Milliseconds)
11018 (2x Multisample)
11019 (3x Multisample)
11020 (4x Multisample)
11021 (5x Multisample)
11022 (6x Multisample)
11023 (7x Multisample)
11024 (8x Multisample)
11025 (9x Multisample)
11026 (10x Multisample)
11027 (11x Multisample)
11028 (12x Multisample)
11029 (13x Multisample)
11030 (14x Multisample)
11031 (15x Multisample)
11032 (16x Multisample)
11033 Could not initialize Direct3D.\nPlease ensure that DirectX 8.1 is installed on your system.\nIt can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com
11036 Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices.\nPlease ensure that the most up to date device drivers for your graphics adapter are installed.
11037 This sample cannot run in a desktop\nwindow with the current display settings.\nPlease change your desktop settings to a\n16- or 32-bit display mode and re-run this\nsample.
11038 No hardware-accelerated Direct3D devices were found.\nPlease ensure that the most up to date device drivers for your graphics adapter are installed.
11039 This sample requires functionality that is\nnot available on your Direct3D hardware accelerator.
11040 Your Direct3D hardware accelerator cannot\nrender into a window.
11041 Your Direct3D hardware accelerator cannot\nrender into a window with the current\ndesktop display settings.
11042 This test requires functionality that is\nnot available on your Direct3D hardware\naccelerator with the current desktop display settings.
11043 Could not load required media.
11044 Could not reset the Direct3D device.
11045 A D3D object has a non-zero reference\ncount (meaning things were not properly\ncleaned up).
11046 Warning: Nothing will be rendered.\nThe reference rendering device was selected, but your\ncomputer only has a reduced-functionality reference device\ninstalled. Please ensure that the most recent device driver\nfor your graphics adapter is correctly installed.
11047 Not enough memory.
11048 Not enough video memory.\nPlease ensure that the correct monitor drivers are installed\nand the selected screen resolution is valid. Also check\nthat the most recent video drivers for your graphics adapter\nare properly installed.
11049 Invalid video mode.\nThe resolution and color depth you have selected do not appear to be\nvalid for hardware acceleration.\nPlease ensure that the correct monitor drivers are installed.\n. Also ensure that the most recent video drivers for your graphics adapter\nare properly installed.
11050 \n\nThe dialog will now be closed.
11051 \n\nSwitching to the reference rasterizer,\na software device that implements the\nDirect3D feature set, but runs very slowly.
11100 PassMark DirectX Testing Suite
11101 Error creating checker texture from memory.
11102 Ran out of check textures.
11103 Texture error
11104 Loading... Please wait
11105 Test Running
11106 Error on 3D Device Create.
11107 EMBM supported
11108 EMBM NOT supported
11109 DOT3 supported
11110 DOT3 NOT supported
11111 Vertex Shader = %d.%d
11112 Pixel Shader = %d.%d
11113 Texture Stages %d
11114 Pixel Fog supported
11115 Pixel Fog NOT supported
11116 TnL supported
11117 TnL NOT supported
11118 Memory %d KB VRAM Used
11119 %0.1f Frames / Sec.
12000 Error creating socket.
12001 Error binding socket.
12002 Error entering listen mode.
12003 Error receiving data.
12004 Unable to resolve host name. Make sure an internet or network connection is present.
12005 Error sending data.\nPlease check a valid network path exists to the remote machine.\nCheck that the remote machine is running the PassMark Network\ntest and is configured as the server.
12007 Error sending data
20000 CPU - Integer Math
20001 CPU - Floating Point Math
20002 CPU - Compression
20003 CPU - Encryption
20004 CPU - Image Rotation
20005 CPU - String Sorting
20006 KBytes/Sec.
20007 Thousand Strings/Sec.
20008 Rotations/Sec.
20009 KBytes processed per second
20010 Thousand Strings per second
20011 Image rotations per second
20012 CPU Mark
20013 Running CPU test...
20014 The number of threads must be greater than 0 and not more than 10.
20015 Failed to open shared memory
20016 There has been an error creating a process during this CPU test. The test will now exit.
20017 Timeout waiting for CPU test processes to signal they are ready to begin testing. This test will now exit.
20018 Item
20019 No baselines loaded
20020 PerformanceTest Version
20022 Manufacturer
20023 Number of CPU's
20024 Type
20025 Model
20026 Estimated Speed
20027 L2 Cache Size
20029 Operating System
20030 BIOS Vendor
20031 BIOS Version
20032 BIOS Release Date
20033 Motherboard Manufacturer
20034 Motherboard Name
20035 Motherboard Version
20037 Total Physical Memory
20038 Available Physical Memory
20039 Num. Mem. Device Controllers
20040 Number of Slots - Total
20042 System Slot %d
20043 Unused
20044 Other
20045 ISA
20046 MCA
20047 EISA
20048 PCI
20049 PCMCIA
20050 VL-VESA
20051 Proprietary
20052 Processor Card
20053 Proprietary Memory Card
20054 I/O Riser
20055 NuBus
20056 PCI - 66 Mhz Capable
20057 AGP
20058 APG 2X
20059 AGP 4X
20060 PCI-X
20061 PC-98/C20
20062 PC-98/C24
20063 PC-98/E
20064 PC-98/Local Bus
20065 PC-98/Card
20067 Disk Size
20068 Disk Cluster Size
20069 File System
20071 Description
20072 Video BIOS
20073 Date
20074 Screen Mode
20076 Onboard Device %d
20077 Could not initialise the DirectIo.sys driver.\nThis may be because\n- The current user has not got administrator privileges\n- The driver file is missing.\n- PerformanceTest was started from a network or floppy drive\n\n PerformanceTest will still run but some system information will not be collected and displayed.
20078 Number of Slots - Used
20079 Mill. Matrices/Sec.
20080 Million Matrices per second
20081 CPU - MMX
20082 CPU - SSE/3DNow!
20083 The Test Duration value cannot be less than 10 seconds or greater than 3600 seconds (1 hour).
20084 No tests have been selected. At least one test must be selected to begin a test run.
20085 2D Graphics - Fonts and Text
20086 Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text
30000 Save, Print, Export and Exit
30001 Copy, Clear, Preferences
30002 View additional test result information
30003 Select a color scheme for the bar chart
30004 Select a test to run, or run all tests
30005 Select an advanced test to run
30006 Baseline information, selecting and loading Baselines
30007 Online help and information about this program
30008 Name
30009 CPU Speed
30010 CPU Type
30011 Color
30012 Ver
30013 OS
30014 RAM
30015 Disk
40001 Run all the tests from the CPU test suite
40013 Exit from the program
40014 Save the current results as a new Baseline file, (*.pt). Baseline files can be used at a later date by PerformanceTest.
40016 Display the help contents
40017 Display information about this program
40023 Copy and Install a new Baseline set of results, that can then be selected for display
40024 Run all the tests from the 2D graphics test suite
40025 Test the performance of the graphics card using line drawing
40026 Test the performance of the graphics card with filled rectangles
40027 Test the performance of the graphics card using unfilled shapes
40028 Test the performance of the graphics card with bitmap manipulation
40029 Test the performance of the graphics card in typical Fonts and Text rendering
40030 Run the memory allocation test using small memory blocks
40031 Test the performance of the graphics card and your Windows Display settings for interacting with GUIs
40032 Test the speed at which a small block of memory can be read
40033 Test the speed at which a large block of memory can be read
40034 Test the speed at which a large block of memory can be written
40035 Test the raw file read speed from a disk
40036 Test the raw file write speed from a disk
40037 Test the speed of the seeking within a file
40038 Run all the tests from the memory test suite
40040 Edit the current settings
40058 Print the displayed results
40059 Save the current results as an image file (GIF, BMP or EMF)
40060 Copy the results to the clipboard as an image
40062 Run all the tests from the disk test suite
40065 Clear the current results
40067 Display help giving an overview of this program
40068 Display the help index
40069 Display information about the Baseline computer and this computer
40075 Run the 3D many worlds graphics test using windowed DirectX
40077 Connect to PassMark Software's homepage on the Web (www.passmark.com)
40078 Purchase this software online using a credit card and a secure internet connection
40079 Run all the tests sequentially - This can take several minutes
40080 Test the cached disk write speed
40081 Test the cached disk read speed
40082 Select Baselines to be displayed
40083 Export the displayed results as a a text file or CSV file
40084 Export the displayed results as a HTML file for the web
40085 After all tests have been run for this computer the PassMark Rating can be displayed.
40086 Test the speed at which the disk can seek to a random position in a file and then read or write.
40087 Check to see if new Baselines are available on the PassMark web site.
40088 Display the bar chart in two colors
40089 Display the bar chart in multiple colors
40091 Determine the maximum number of floating point instructions that can be executed per second (FLOPS)
40092 View the disk read performance graph
40093 View the disk write performance graph
40094 Display the PassMark rating window
40095 Test the speed of the Streaming SIMD Multimedia Instructions
40097 Launch the Advanced Disk test window
40098 Launch the Advanced CD Drive test window
40099 Launch the Advanced 3D Graphics test window
40100 Launch the Advanced Network test window
40101 Launch the Advanced Memory test window
40102 Run the simple DirectX 3D test - Windowed Test
40103 Run the medium DirectX 3D test - Windowed Test
40104 Run the complex DirectX 3D test - FullScreen Test
40105 Run all the tests from the 3D graphics test suite
40106 Test the CD Drives read speed - CD ROM required in drive.
40107 A Baseline with the name %s already exists.\nDo you wish to overwrite it?
40108 Alert!
40109 An installation of pcAnywhere has been detected on this PC.\nSome pcAnywhere settings may conflict with DirectX, which\nprevents the 3D test from running. Would you like more information?\nClick YES for instructions about changing pcAnywhere settings.\nClick NO to close this window and continue using PerformanceTest
40111 %d MB RAM in %d of %d slots
40112 %0.1f Gig Drive
40113 %d MB RAM
40114 No device info available
40116 Disk
40117 File size
40118 Block size
40119 Test mode
40120 Select a single item from the list before editing.
40121 Status
40122 Blocks written
40123 Blocks read
40125 At least one test thread is required before running the test.
40126 Read / Write
40127 Sequential / Random
40128 Seeks
40129 MB Written
40130 MB Read
40133 MB/Sec
40134 Time (Sec)
40135 Notes
40136 Disk Size
40137 Free Space
40138 Cluster Size
40139 File System
40140 Computer Name
40141 The disk you have selected contains one or more files. The raw disk access method can potentially destroy all data on a drive including the formatting information. As such, the test can only be run on empty drives.
40142 WARNING:\nYou have selected to run the disk test using the raw disk access method. This may result in complete data loss on the selected drive, including formatting information.\nDo you wish to continue?
40143 The blocksize for the selected access method must be a multiple of the drive volumes sector size.\nThe sector size for the current drive is %d bytes.
40144 Request Mode
40145 Queue Length
40146 Synchronous
40147 Asynchronous
40148 The IO Queue Length must be greater than 0 and less than 101.
40149 For the standard C library test mode, the test file cannot be greater than 2048 Megs. (2 GB.)
40150 System Volume Information
40151 Creating test file
40152 Ready to start
40153 Opening
40154 Writing
40155 Reading
40156 Seeking
40157 Complete
40158 Error
40159 Internal error
40160 Test Name
40161 Results
40162 Prime Number Search
40163 Sorting Random Strings
40164 Compression
40165 Encryption
40166 Image Rotation
40167 MMX Addition
40168 MMX Multiplication
40169 Integer Addition
40170 Whetstone
40171 Dhrystone
40172 Memory Read
40173 Memory Write
40174 Disk Access
40175 Selected
40176 Preparing Test
40177 Primes found: %I64d - Largest: %I64d
40178 %d KBytes/Sec. Compressed.
40179 %0.2f KOps./Sec.
40180 %0.2f MOps./Sec.
40181 Read Speed: %0.2f MB/Sec
40182 Write Speed: %0.2f MB/Sec
40183 Disk Access %0.2f MB/Sec.
40184 Avg. WAR
40185 Avg. WAW
40186 Avg. RAW
40187 Avg. RAR
40188 %0.2f MIPS
40189 %0.2f thousand strings per second
40190 %0.2f ms.
40191 %I64d Dhrystones/sec. = %0.2f MIPS
40192 Multiple Process Test Results
40193 Primes Found
40194 Largest Prime: %I64d
40195 Strings Sorted
40196 String Length: %d
40197 Data Compressed (KBytes/Sec)
40198 Million Ops/Sec.
40199 Dhrystones per sec: %I64d
40200 Memory Read Speed (MB/Sec.)
40201 Memory Write Speed (MB/Sec.)
40202 Disk Access Speed (MB/Sec.)
40203 CPU Information:
40204 Memory Information:
40205 %0.2f Rotations per sec.
40206 Encryption speed: %0.2f KBytes/Sec.
40207 Encryption Speed (KBytes/Sec.)
40208 Rotations per second
40210 Primes Found
40211 Thousand strings sorted per sec.
40212 KBytes per sec.
40213 Units
40214 MB/Sec.
40215 Sequential, 50% Read/50% Write.
40216 File Server
40217 Web Server
40218 Workstation
40219 Database
40220 Custom
40221 Configuration
40222 (%d logical)
40223 Sequential Read
40224 Sequential Write
40225 Packets dropped: %I64d
40226 Probable mass packet loss. Insufficient data.
40227 SSE/3DNow! tests can not be run as your CPU doesn't\nprovide support for SIMD instructions.
40228 Bytes dropped: %I64d
40229 At least %I64d Bytes dropped
40230 Bytes lost. Insufficient data.
40300 Run the integer maths test
40301 Run the floating point maths test
40302 Run the MMX integer matrix manipulation test
40303 Run the SSE / 3DNOW! floating point matrix manipulation test
40304 Run the data compression test
40305 Run the data encryption test
40306 Run the image rotation test
40307 Run the string sorting speed test
40350 Display the hardware device details in the main graph
40360 Launch the advanced multi-tasking window
40361 Test Status
40362 A LastUsed.cfg file cannot be found or the current LastUsed.cfg file is not compatible with this version of PerformanceTest.\nA new LastUsed.cfg file will be created with default preferences and settings.
40363 You may only add a maximum of 20 disk threads.
40364 Model Number
40365 Drive Number
40366 Drive Letter
40367 Drive Letter (Number)
40368 %c (Physical drive %d)
40369 Disk Size (Free space)
40370 %0.1f GBytes (%0.1f GBytes)
40371 %0.1f GBytes (%0.1f MB)
40372 Physical Drive %d
40373 Model Number: %s
40374 Physical Drive
40375 Drive Model Number
40376 Sequence of character %c\n
40377 Loading baseline files ...
40378 Cleaning up test files from the previous test run. Please wait...
40379 Test stopping
40380 The RichEdit Windows component (riched20.dll) installed on your computer is out of date (version 2.0 or earlier).\nPlease visit the FAQ to find out how to update this.\nDo you want to visit the support website now?
40382 http://www.passmark.com/support/
40383 O/S:
40384 KB
40385 The file size must be between 1 and 2048 Megabytes